Living on the "Edge"

"If you are not living on the edge you are already taking too much space."
The above two lines means that if you are not taking risks at all then you are taking too much space, not in the physical sense but in metaphorical sense. Suppose you are pretty much an average student and want to excel on your academics but you couldn't. Always remember, no one is born genius and you are no different, but you are AFRAID. You are afraid to come out of your comfort zone; you are afraid to give that extra push; to go against what your family and friends want from you; you are afraid to take risks.
Am I standing on the edge

Be "risk friendly", because seduction of safety is much more perilous than perception of risk. we are always seduced by safety and comfort, we seek it, we beg for it. But just once, get rid of it and you'll see you're capable of doing miracles.
Then comes luck which is entirely random i.e. a chance, but the thing is you are already lucky to have this life, you are lucky to be born in this era, get all the facilities, so you're already very lucky but you have to work hard to justify that luck.

FEAR will never go away! Even if you've prepared anything for fifty years, you will be fearful. So confidence is not the key but COMPETENCE is. If you're competent enough and you've achieved something, no one can take it away from you. You might feel confident one day or might feel under confident the other but competence once acquired no one can take it away from you.

Stop COMPLAINING and stop CRITICIZING, "Be the change you want to see in life" as Mahatma Gandhi said. Stop ARGUING with others and stop ASKING to people, because the will bring you down and beat you with experience. Stop asking to yourself what you want to do in life because no one has seen future. Just eat, sleep and work hard. If you want to achieve something be it swimming, dancing, playing or your academics, just focus on your path and on your PERFORMANCE and don't judge yourself by focusing on someone's else performance. And...

"Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want"


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