I couldn't sleep last night

When did you sleep last? an hour ago, two, three or five or may be 12 hours. Ask me when did I slept last, I must say 37 hours ago. I don't know what is happening with me that I couldn't make it to my bed, literally saying because more or less I go to bed at 12 O' clock but I couldn't make it to that sweet heaven, sleeping. So I discussed this problem with my friends and they have a similar problem too and I know you too especially the folks of my age group. "we are such stuff as dreams are made on and our little life is rounded with a sleep" The above divine lines are of William Shakespeare which indicates that our life is bounded in a sleep where we progress through our dreams. but i guess this is not applied to me 'cause I cannot sleep too well. Every time I go to my bed, switch off the lights and just try to sleep but couldn't. I get thoughts of what I did today or in the past days like today I went on a quiz competition conducted by BIT Mesra ...