My ambition is... 😕Really?!

What's your ambition? What do you want to become in future? What is your dream? or whatever the next person asks you. It is one of the most frequently asked question since you were a kid of Nursery. And you may have told to every one whatever as you think fit at different phases of your life. Because I have. My first Childish dream was to become an army personnel, because when I was a kid I used to watch movies such as Rambo, Rocky etc with my father 'cause he's a fan of Slyvestor Stallone, and after watching those movies that time I felt like 'I want to be like Rambo', just pick up my gun and kill all the bad goons😂. After this anyhow I come to know about "engineer" yeah! engineer, en-gee-neearr. It sounds good though😅, that's what I liked about it when I was in class 7 or 8 with addition to that I used to hear that they have good position in society and they earn a lot and what not. But the point is what is the difference between Dream and a...